Summary of PowerDOE and DOE-2.2 Status

PowerDOE and DOE-2.2 are now in pre-release, meaning final testing and documentation error correction, and soon will be in commercial release and available from our resellers. A DOE-2.2 testing and evaluation version is available no cost and PowerDOE pre-release (or future release) is available to anyone for 90 day evaluation licensing at no cost.  Cost of a no-expiration PowerDOE license is $278US with a cash discount price of $250US; just mail us the appropriate license(s) and this fee and we will provide you with a PowerDOE registration number and FTP download instructions. PowerDOE CD's are also available, containing PowerDOE/eQUEST/DOE-2 program versions and weather data, by mailing the appropriate license(s), any license fee (if you desire a no-expiration license), with a payment of $55US (add $5US for Canada, $10US outside North America) to James J. Hirsch & Associates, 12185 Presilla Road, Camarillo, CA, 93012-9243, USA.

More Details:
PowerDOE is not released to our reseller yet, but it is close.  We do, however, offer the program to the public as a "pre-release" version (final test version).  This can be used for production work, but extra care and professional judgment should be used to examine the results carefully as this new software may have anomalies (otherwise known as bugs) that can adversely effect results.  We make a best effort to address these problems as quickly as possible.  The program is in use by several hundred professionals for production work, so it is becoming more stable and reliable as time moves on; but the bottom line is that ALL software products have bugs, they just have not all been discovered yet.

You can get a free 90 day license or purchase an unlimited license.  The unlimited license allows you to get the pre-release now and update (via internet) to any future PowerDOE 1.xx release at no cost (or purchase CD's of future 1.xx releases for the standard PowerDOE/DOE-2 CD price mentioned above.)  The free license is good for 90 days and cannot be renewed by the same individual/organization within a 12 month period for that same program main version number (1, 2, etc.).

PowerDOE No-expiration Single-User Licenses:
The cash discount price for an no-expiration single-user license is $250US, a CD containing the current full release (plus all weather files) costs an additional $50US plus $5US shipping (to US destinations, $10US to Canada and $15US elsewhere).  So getting a CD with an unlimited license shipped to you is $305US (to US destinations, $310US to Canada and $315US elsewhere).  Or you can just purchase the $250US license and download the program release and updates at anytime after payment (shipment via PO by prior arrangement).  To receive an no-expiration license, mail a signed license agreement (US version and International version) and payment (as described above) to the address listed on the license.  If you choose to receive a CD and wish for it to include the current DOE-2.2 test versions and draft documentation (for no additional charge), than please include a signed DOE-2.2 license agreement with your PowerDOE license and payment.  Once we receive your license(s) and payment, you will be mailed a CD (if your payment reflects that option) or e-mailed information on how to download and install the current release of PowerDOE.

PowerDOE Academic Classrom Licenses:
We have special licensing and pricing for use of PowerDOE in classes at an accredited college or university.  The pricing is the same as the single end user license (described above) but allows the use of the program on 12 classroom machines for the academic year (10 months - September through June) including the ability to download updates for the same major version number.  To receive an academic license, mail a signed license agreement (US version and International version) and payment (as described above) to the address listed on the license.  Once we receive your license(s) and payment, you will be mailed a CD (if your payment reflects that option) or e-mailed information on how to download and install the current release of PowerDOE.

PowerDOE Not-for-profit Research Licenses:
We have special research license grant program for use of PowerDOE in research at a not-for-profit organizations; this program is primarily intended for academic research.  To apply for a research license grant, mail a signed license agreement (US version and International version) and a one page description of the research project on official organization letterhead and signed by the principal investigator (must be a faculty advisor for student researchers) to the address listed on the license.  Once we receive your license(s) and letter, you will be e-mailed information on how to download and install the current release of PowerDOE if your request is granted.

PowerDOE Resellers:
Becoming a PowerDOE reseller is also possible.  PowerDOE, eQUEST and DOE-2.2 developer licensing for the creation of derivative works as well as "bundled" products is also available.  Contact us for more information on these options.

Weather Data:
Weather files for DOE-2 and PowerDOE for US and Canadian locations are available on the web site for valid license holders.  Weather files from previous versions of DOE-2 are convertable for use with 2.2 or PowerDOE (or can be used directly if compatible with 2.1E JJHirsch PC versions).  Data is also available from the various DOE-2 resource centers (see Users News listing - get on the Users News mailing list by contacting LBNL).

For further assistance, contact Jeff Hirsch or Scott Criswell.

Thank you for showing interest in PowerDOE and DOE-2.2!

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
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